offrs: It's Time To Meet Your Market
Quick, say aloud everything you know about your market... hard to do. Don't worry, it's a bit of a setup, but the short answer (if you were searching for one) was offrs. Because offrs has the intel on your market. Let's explore...
Lead With What You Know
While the example that was put out in the description to this article may have been cute in nature, it does highlight a very sizeable hole in many business models. Without a clear understanding of your market, how can you really be servicing them? Again, not many businesses (certainly smaller operations) know to even ask that question once their business plan came out of the printer. In fact, most businesses small and large seldom do a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) check and those that do, may not be injecting the SMB business intelligence that's available and may solely be relying on web sleuthing. This is all to say, if you're leading with what you know and if you haven't updated what you know, then where are you leading your business?
The Big Data Compass Check
We often speak of the direct value of small business intelligence... the one-to-one nature of having access to pertinent info you can use to market to this contact (for example). But, there's more value in a contact profile than a mere destination, right? After all, when you have their name, address, phone number, and... demographic leanings, then you can not only message them, you might be able to message them correctly. In this, the ability to leverage insight on the market you serve and in tailoring your message to better serve them, you're beginning to think big with your data access. While the data that offrs provides doesn't directly chauffeur you to your ideal brand position, the insights afforded by accessing the consistently-updated market intelligence can act as your compass needle, aiding in your navigation towards and through the most opportune waters.
Who's Diving In?
With data, you've got to ask yourself who is diving in and reviewing the intelligence around your market. Most business owners look at their relationship with data within a bubble, but the truth of the matter is that data is everywhere and is, right now, being collected, processed and disseminated. Really, it always has been. It's just that the process has become more streamlined and accessible. Accessible to you and accessible to your competition. offrs does provide business intelligence packages that are exclusive, but of course, those packages can become cost prohibitive to most small businesses (those we seek to serve). The good news for you is that you're likely one of the first in your industry and in your region to know this, the bad news is that you may not be the first to employ it in your operation... thus giving your competition the leg up.
The Big Easy
Big Data doesn't have to be difficult. First, you can think of it like an extended contact profile for nearly everyone you're seeking to reach with your marketing campaign (to get the full breadth of what we can provide to you, just reach out to one of our data specialists here). Second, you can easily access your licensed data using a standard web browser (like this one you're on now). Yup... easy. And it's inexpensive. Of course, expensive is subjective, but we specifically built our data products with the small business entrepreneur in mind (you)! The question we most often get is "How much does it cost for my area...?" Well, for that, we'd need to look up your area. It's easy. Just connect with one of our specialists and get a head start on gainin or maintaining ground this year!
offrs collects and provides topical insights, statistics, reviews, humor and best practices gathered from real estate professionals and consumer homeowner industry peers. If you're a broker or agent interested in learning more about seller lead generation or home seller marketing services and solutions, visit www.offrs.com or continue to browse our growing collection of industry articles at www.offrs.net.