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offrs Lead Generation: Real Estate Becomes Personal Once Again

offrs Lead Generation: Real Estate Becomes Personal Once Again

With offrs lead generation, real estate agents can once again focus on relationship-building within their community. How has offrs helped our agents across the board? Let's explore...


Lead Generation, Real Estate & Homeowners (The Big Picture)

So much emphasis these days is placed on the impact that offrs has had on individual agents' success, but what about the technologies behind it, the industry itself and, of course, the impact that offrs has had on the homeowner and agent relationship as a whole? While no study exists specifically around offrs, there is a lot of chatter about the shifting sands of technology and its impact on most relationship-based interactions. From fast-food service to predictive algorithms, the sad fact is that while most of us want to engage with another person, automation is a more profitable route for most service providers.

Fortunately, while offrs is a significant technology disruptor in the realm of predictive analytics (across all market verticals) and the generation of listing leads specifically, we're solely focused in on helping both the agent and the homeowner have a better experience. This is why we've centered our technologies (our data products and services) around putting you first at the door of those homeowners in your area that are most likely to list their home in the next 12 months. Because, after all... it's all about you and your brand. From active real estate predictive analytics to passive real estate lead generation websites (and all of the multi-stage data processing and routing services in between), offrs has a continued promise centered on building longer and sturdier bridges between you and your homeowner neighbors.

Time and again, we've promoted the most rewarding best practices we've come across from agents, brokers, coaches and more. We then pooled these resources and built training programs that we provide at no cost to agents working the field. No joke, here's a free scripts and tips guide laden with free email, phone, text, and voicemail templates (plus many more). Head there now and check it out if you'd like, or stay here and learn how this is but one of multiple ways offrs is seeking to help bolster our industry. After all, we're not just a real estate lead generator... we're a connections company.


What Can You Do With More Time, Money & Resources?

While that question may seem loaded (it kinda is), the fact remains that offrs lead generation for real estate automates the process of finding, scoring and prioritizing inbound seller leads for your team. Of course, we do more than lead generation for real estate agents and brokers, but let's zoom in on what this means specifically for your small, medium or large real estate operation:

  • With real estate leads covered, you spend less time hunting down phone numbers, email addresses, social handles and more for almost all of your territory's residents. If we don't have contact info listed for a homeowner in your territory, it's likely not listed anywhere (since we collect our raw data from over 20 of the top-tier data companies out there)!


  • Of course, we all know the adage that you have to spend money to make money. You spent money on your training and your license, you spent money on marketing materials and we haven't yet gotten to your marketing asset development costs or the assets themselves. There's a lot to consider, but with a 70% national average accuracy on predicting which homes are going to list in the next 12 months, we're certainly one of the more tracked and proven investments out there!


  • Then there's the least touted, but likely most wasted asset on your payroll... you. We could spell it out a hundred ways, but at the end of the day, your business needs you more than anything else. Which is why automating your real estate lead generation could perhaps be the most important business decision you've made to date. You've always wanted a clone of you... maybe you have it in us (food for thought).

As said above, these are just a few examples of how we've seen top real estate producers use offrs in a multitude of ways in order to improve their numbers, create measurable growth or secure a sustainable future in an otherwise turbulent marketplace. A lot is going on right now and locking down exclusive business intelligence for your region has its advantages. Not least of which is gaining an edge on otherwise seemingly impenetrable competitive lead. We've helped agents all across the country use offrs data products and data services (but also offrs data training assets) to push ahead. The question is... will you?


What Does A Data-Bolstered Relationship Look Like?

So let's introduce a new concept... the data-bolstered relationship. Imagine a world in which every decision you make is based solely on luck. From blind dates to blind meals ordered at restaurants that you were led to without any foresight or choice. Okay, at first, some of this might sound adventurous or even fun. but remember that this world would permeate throughout every corner of your hypothetical society here. But then, someone offers you a choice, an actual choice... foresight, insight on the fork ahead in the road. So, this situation might not be the best way to shed some light on real estate lead generation, but it does lay the groundwork for a conversation about the unique power that is at your hands when it comes to the latest generations of real estate lead generation services.

In such a world, where everyone was operating blindly (scary thought that this is largely the case now, right?) it provides some sense of comfort to know that the relationships that we base our living off of can actually be built with some inside scoop on who we're dealing with on the other end. There's a lot there, so let's put it plainly... up to now, barring a great referral lead with lots of inside scoop, your leads have largely been you shaking hands or speaking with a complete stranger. Sure, using your personality skills, you might be able to glean certain insights based on their car or neighborhood selection, but what else about them might you like to know?

Well, the data-centered relationship, one where you have the ability to view as much information as possible on the person you're about to reach out to, may just provide the missing piece to your puzzle. You've got one shot at a great first impression... and knowing more may help you land it. It's simple, really. The more you know about the person on the other side of your marketing can save you a lot of missed opportunities. In this way, having access to exclusive data on the homeowners in your area puts you at a significant advantage, not only over your immediate competition but going up against your last year's numbers. Hey, if you're looking to significantly improve your numbers year-over-year... we can help.


A Results-Bolstered Relationship

Now that we've explored what a data-bolstered relationship could look like, how about the results-centered relationship? If offrs could deliver week over week, month over month and year over year for you, what sort of relationship might we have? Again, this is a bit of a loaded question because we know the answer already. You see, we're going on our 5th year of providing agents like yourself with the best homeowner insights on the market. Each year, we seek to improve our formula, our products, our services and even the data itself. We're constantly seeking to improve how we benefit your business. Are we perfect? Of course not. But as one of the most forward-thinking real estate lead generation companies out there, our real estate seller leads speak for themselves!

But, unfortunately, without you... it's all for not. We don't have your brand to work with. It's you that are the perfect representative for your market. You are the one that needs to connect with the leads we create. After all, they're real estate agent leads, not just real estate listing leads. We need you on this. Speaking of needing you... we need you. =) We represent thousands of agents across all walks of life and from each corner of our country, but you are who we're trying to reach. Predictive analytics, while a proven asset to smart marketers seeking to better target the highest-scoring leads in their market, is still relatively new. The word is out, sure, but we need you on this adventure. So give us a shout out and let's see what we can do for your business today!



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