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About offrs (The Buzz)

About offrs (The Buzz)

Learn more about offrs and how the editorial team works to serve the real estate industry as a whole.

offrs.net provides industry insights around key factors that drive the housing market... from homeowner FAQs to overcoming agent fear of rejection, offrs has your back! The offrs.net editorial staff works hard to bring you fresh, often extra-industry perspective and while we focus heavily on listing agent needs, we do aim to serve all members of the community. Looking for real estate stats, articles, best practices, news highlights, trends or even a few new humourous memes to get your day rolling? offrs.net has got you covered! Stop by for a daily dose of all things real estate!

offrs.com provides real estate lead generation for real estate agents leveraging homeowner data from multiple top-tier data providers and scoring this cross-checked data using the offrs proprietary predictive analytics algorithm. This score helps identify which homeowners are most likely to seek an agent in their area to help them list their home for sale within the next 6 to 12 months. if you're looking for real estate lead generation services, be sure to stop by today and schedule your live demo with one of our strategic business specialists at offrs.com/info.


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